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Wround iOS 7 Complete Theme

Wround iOS 7 Complete
Available now in the Cydia Store for $2.50
by: Alex Sanchez, @al3xsanch3z07
Wround, pronounced "round", like the adjective used to describe a circle, is a circle-shaped theme that completely changes the iOS experience with its carefully designed circle-shaped icons. 

With Wround, no icon stands alone. Every icon was carefully designed to work together; keeping balance, harmony, and order alive across the entire theme. You see, designing something great is easy, however, designing something with balance, order, and harmony all together is a challenge. Wround overlooks that challenge and brings to you something that some would say “looks delicious”; something you don’t see often in other themes.

Wround includes:
 +220 icons (and counting)
Unique Wallpapers
Glass Dock
Settings icons
Messages UI
UI Sounds
Status Bar UI
Playful UI Switches
JellyLock UI
Control Center UI
Control Center Sliders
Loading Screens
A variety of IconOmatic shadows and overlays
Rounded rectangle mask option
Boot logo
Zeppelin Logo
App Badges
… + Much more!

Wround is definitely a theme worth having, but don’t take my word for it, listen to what users around the world have said about it:
"That’s door fresh!"

"Dude! It's amazing!"

"Everyone, grab this awesome theme"

"It's a theme worth buying"

"Dude, please do make more themes”

NOTE: I HIGHLY recommend installing MaskMuter from cydia after installing this theme. MaskMuter gets rid of the black area around the icons when you tap on them. Here is a link to MaskMuter: cydia://package/com.modmyi.maskmuter
Updates will be pushed constantly in order to expand and improve the overall theme. For giveaways, updates, icon requests, questions or concerns, feel free to tweet at me: @al3xsanch3z07 or send me an email: . I speak fluent Spanish in case you are a better Spanish speaker. Hablo Español por si tienen preguntas y solamente hablan español. Yo los puedo atender.
If you cannot afford to pay for Wround, no worries, there is a free version available to everyone. Here is a link to it: cydia://package/com.macciti.wroundios7free
Don’t forget to check out my other themes:
Collision Dark
Collision Soft

I am also open to donations. Here’s my paypal email:
Your contributions are well appreciated and become my motivation!
- Please purchase your themes and tweaks, piracy only kills our motivation to continue building great things for the community. If you cannot afford to buy them, follow the developers on twitter, they hold tons of great giveaways!

Wround is something totally new; it's beauty all awround
Wround iOS 7 Complete Theme

Wround iOS 7 Complete Theme

Wround is a featured iOS 7 theme available on the Cydia Store for $2.50 to users who have a jailbroken iOS device. Wround is still being supporte Read More
